June 2017

On June 7, 2017, the Sacred Heart Altar Society meet.  Eight members and Fr. Major were present.  President Donna Havlat presided over the meeting.  The secretary and treasurers’ minutes were read.  In June we are to keep track of all the prayers, masses, rosaries, etc we say for the retired priests.  Then let Donna Havlat know.  Our challenge for service this month is to visit people in the hospital, nursing homes, etc.  The National Convention is in Dallas Sept. 5-9th.  All women of the parish are invited to attend 8:15 a.m. and fellowship following on June 23rd for the Sacred Heart.  The PCCW is going to purchase a new dishwasher for St. James Hall for the cost of $3,700.  Eighteen seniors were recognized on May 7th.  Pat Johnson has taught CCD classes for 21 years.  God bless you, Pat.  The next PCCW meeting will be Sept. 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the annex.

May 2017

On May 3, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. the PCCW meet in St. James School.  Twelve members were present,   After the 8:15 a.m. Mass on May 31st, the women are invited to have fellowship and coffee. Over 150 people attended Catholics at the Capital in March. Our Parish is in charge of the “Spiritual Bouquet for retired priests and religious sisters” for June. Senior Recognition day is May 7th at the 9:00 mass.  A meal will be prepared for the seniors and their families. The new slate of officers for 2017/2018 is President Charlotte James; Vice-President Barb Lorenz; Secretary Sue Juricek; Treasurer Deb Polacek.  Spirituality Donna Havlat; Service Kay Wessel and Leadership Judy Weber.

At 7 p.m. a leadership program was presented.  Our next meeting is June 7 at 6:30 p.m. All women of the parish are invited to attend.  The meeting is held in the annex.

April 2017

On April 5, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. the Crete PCCW Meeting meet with President Donna Havlat presiding.  Donna called the meeting to order with prayers/pledge. Nine members and Tim Havlat were present.  Tim presented a  World Youth Day presentation about his trip to Poland and the Czech Republic.  Our PCCW club gave Tim some money to help pay for his expenses on the trip.  The hall building project has been approved.  We will need to have 10% above cost.

Charlotte James, secretary, read the minutes.  Cindy Havlat, treasurer, gave the report.  The March 1, 2017, beginning balance was $9,850.41 and the ending balance on March 31, 2017, was $9,684.82.  Correspondence, Barb Lorenz, was not in attendance but she told Donna she had sent out sympathy cards.

Spirituality, Donna Havlat, reminded us St. Faustina/Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday.  Service, Kay Wessel, said NET News is reporting on sex trafficking in Nebr. And told us what the website is.

Leadership, Judy Weber, said the next mass with fellowship following is April 26, Our Lady of Good Counsel.  We started this 1 year ago on this feast day.  The choose life license plate bill made it to the governor’s desk.  VP Mike Pence cast the tie breaking vote to let states denying federal family planning money to Planned Parenthood.

Old Business:  The Ecumenical breakfast was discussed.  The slate of PCCW officers for next year still need a secretary and treasurer.  Easter flowers are ordered.  Senior recognition is May 7 and Jerry Van Horn is in charge.

New Business:  Dianne said the last backpack is being packed at 5 p.m. on UCC in Crete on Sunday, April 9, 2017. Leadership training will be May 3 after a half hour meeting for PCCW starting at 6:30 p.m.  The training will begin at 7 p.m.  It will be held in the school.  Dianne and Charlotte offered to make coffee, etc.  People will bring sweet treats.

The Spring Deanery Meeting will be April 29 in Friend with a 8:30 a.m. mass; speaker and meeting following.

February 2017

The Sacred Heart Altar Society meet on Feb. 8, 2017. Ten members and Fr. Major were present.  President, Donna Havlat, opened the meeting with a prayer.  The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given.  40 Hours will be March 3-5 with Fr.Kaup.  On Monday, Feb. 20th at 8 p.m. will be a spiritual conference at the St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center in Lincoln, Nebr.  Tabitha thanked the Altar Society for the lap quilts. Catholics at the Capitol is March 21st.  Women are invited to lunch at governor’s mansion.  Next deanery meeting is April 29th in Friend.  The January Baby shower is over.  The items donated were given to Birthright.  It is our church’s turn to host the Ecumenical Breakfast on Wed., April 12th at 6:30 a.m.  It will be held at Doane College.  $100 will be donated to Catholic Relief Services.  Judy Siedhoff did a presentation of “Formed Open the Word”